The 1979-P Wide Rim in MS67 is valued at $4,000. Susan B Anthony Dollars are rare in MS67 and above so their value jumps in this grade and above.Īlso search for the 1979-P Wide Rim, 1979-S Clear S (proof) and the 1981-S Clear or Flat S (proof) since these are the most desirable varieties of the series. The 1981-S you want to find in the grade MS66 since they’re worth $600 in a PCGS holder with that grade. It might take some time but the more the original rolls are opened over time, the more rare unopened rolls become, so there’s a chance for a value increase here. Since the series had a short run and were not very popular there’s not much demand or premium, so seek out original BU (Brilliant Uncirculated) rolls and put them away for the future. The 1981-S is a key date and worth around $40 in MS64 and the 1981-P and 1981-D are lower mintage dates and mints so they’re worth a bit more than the other dates as well. This is our basic coin price guide for people who are unfamiliar with coins but want.
Most Susan B Anthony Dollars (SBA’s) are worth a $1 since they’re circulated or low MS (Mint State) grades, or grades lower than MS64. Anthony Dollars (2,300) Sacagawea Dollars (2,639) Presidential.